The Handwriting Day is marked annually on every 23 January, the birthday of the legend of the day John Hancock. The craze, ease, and sense of belongingness make the celebration of handwriting day completely worth it. And why not, writing well from your own hands is not less than a skill that gives you joy about its every aspect. Despite the fact that we are living in a digital world that is full of devices and type to text, however, it cannot change the significance of handwritten write-ups. You write a letter, story, journal, or a to-do list, the handwritten notes never fail or fade, making you recall everything closely. Doesn’t matter the ambiguous style or slower pace of writing; The way it reminds you of the details of your thoughts, you appreciate even its cons. There are many digital devices such as mobile, iPad, laptop, and a stop available to preserve your thoughts; still, they cannot overtake or overpower the pleasure of writing your notes on your own. There are many v...