National Workaholics Day

National Workaholics Day on July 5 encourages us to find and maintain a good balance between personal and professional life.

It reminds us that our home and personal life is as important as the work-life.

National Workaholics Day illustration of a workaholic man working hard with bent waist because of tiredness and the watch is mooving continuously. The quote saying,
National Workaholics Day illustration of a tired man after working day and night!


National Workaholics Day


In most cases, it is seen that people who are ambitious, they tend to neglect the aspects related to their personal lives and home. Their negligence affects indeed suffers:

  1. Social life
  2. Relationships within family and friends circle
  3. Management of their home
  4. Their personal health-related issues
  5. Sometimes, hygiene
  6. Important occasions, events, and special days
  7. Schedules of eating and sleeping

Thus, their quest for ultimate professionalism and perfectionism in work performances result in badly affected areas in personal life.

National Workaholics Day motivates us to care for ourselves and our health while engaging outside in work.

2 Facts to Understand

Consequences of Underestimated Health

Avoiding personal health-related issues affects the capacity of the work.

Skipping the meals and rushing towards the work result in prolonged diseases, disorders, and decreased work performance.

If neglected in long term, the health disorders and too much mental pressure can make one very lethargic. It ruins the spirit, leaving you with no spark.

Results of Delayed Personal Issues

Delaying personal issues might result in severely affected personal life.

Avoiding the relationships might lead them towards breaking, giving you unbearable pain.

The Bottom Line

A balance between the personal and work-front keeps us and our spirits fresh, high, and energetic. It keeps the unwanted clouds of tensions at bay from the brain. A relaxed mind allows us to perform even better in long term.

We all know that good health strengthens us with ultimate pleasures. It keeps us moving. So it should be indeed our priority so that it doesn’t come in between the other aspects of our lives.

National Workaholics Day: Quick Glance
Focusing on important aspects of personal life as well
Event Type
Special Interest
Observed at
National Level
Paying heed towards personal life, especially health-related issues
Party at home and work stations
July 5
National Workaholics Day in Various Years
5 July 2021, 5 July 2022

Date of National Workaholics Day Observance

5th of July.

History of National Workaholics Day

5 Eras of Workaholism with Different Meanings

The definitions and meanings of work and work ethics have been changing since the world evolved.

Over the centuries, human society has changed this a lot in many aspects; however, the concept of work always remained as an obligation.

Let’s know how it re-formed from ancient times to the present!

Work in Ancient Time

During 8700 BC, Puritans gave a new definition of work. They redefined it as a moral and legal duty of a person living in society. They found this concept beneficial for the entire society. They entitled it as the “good works”.

During this era, diligent work was considered as the “sign of grace” by the Puritans.

Catholics viewed work as the manifestation of their received faith. They considered work as the need.

Work and faith have been seen tattered since the oldest time.

American Dream Ideals

During the 1600s, they firmed their feet in New England. Escaping the religious persecution, their work ethics also settled there along with them.

They laid the foundation of the idea and ideals of the Colonial American Dream. The idea they built on was totally based on their belief and faith. Their belief that “Good works bring prosperity” suggested the idea:

“Hard work brings prosperity in heaven.”

They incorporated the idea of hard work, ambition, the pursuit of happiness through success, and workmanship in the society of New England. They brought the belief in the idea that work done on earth would bring rewards in heaven.

Work and Godliness

In 1905, Max Weber, a German sociologist showcased his book entitled “Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.

This was the time when the industrial revolution brought the labor ideology into the scene.

Industrialization boosted the large manufacturing processes, so the mass consumption. It contributed to a great measure in fading the small-scale workshops.

The machines won over the individual workmanship which was driven by faith and belief. This era of industrialization was less faith-based. It indeed can be labeled as the impure industry where the revolutionizing industries mechanized the human workforce.

Changed Labour Dynamics with Young Workers

During the 1950s, a new trend emerged. Young workers seemed keen to work with the companies and arise through this platform. For growing money in their accounts, they agreed to follow the rules end along with pleasing and buttering their bosses.

Fortune magazine entitled this approach the “grey flannel mentality”.

The 1960s to Present

If you have been wondering from where the word workaholics took birth, here you are the history of this term. In 1968, Roger Dangerfield, a comedian brought the term “workaholics”. Introduced to this world while describing the relationship of his father and alcohol for coping up with the work-burdens.

When you have an unhealthy relationship with your work, it makes you suffer along with your personal life and relationships with your beloved ones.

Not only you, but your friends and family members also suffered in this quest for professionalism.

National Workaholic D Day comes as an eye-opener in this scenario. It shakes you up to arise and thrust for balance between the personal and professional fronts.

National Workaholics Day Celebration Ideas

Be Out of the Box

Where Workaholics Day spotlights people who are dedicated to their work overtly, be different, and take a holiday on this day.

Doesn’t matter it’s Saturday, Monday, or you have enjoyed a long vacation just now! Just leave this day focusing on your happiness and likings.

Motivate Someone

It is observed that walking people are usually lesser focused on their health and hobbies that make someone happier.

Motivate your colleagues, relatives, or neighbors to go back to the basics and make them remember that the first pleasure is 'good health'.

Make It Lighter

Offices become a place of stress sometimes. If this is the scenario in your case as well, give your inputs to make it lighter for yourself and others around you.

There is an approach that makes one work because of pressure; but there is one more approach that makes one work because of being highly spirited, ambitious, and motivated.

The first approach might work for a short span of time but its results don’t sustain or last for longer. And who doesn’t like to work in a lighter atmosphere and positive surroundings?!

If you do not have a good working atmosphere and work culture, take an initiative and create it.

If you are hopeless about the situation, make it your dream working place for at least one day — National Workaholics Day.

Why is National Workaholics Day Celebrated?

It’s an Energy Revival

Taking leave from the job for a day or two without any reason is often considered to be unprofessional where it’s important.

It indeed refuses you for working with better efficiency and energy.

It Helps In Making a Balance

Personal and professional lives are always meant to be lived in a balance. Our social life with family members, relatives, and friends is as imperative as the professional life at the workplace.

So we need to assign our energy in equal amounts as well. After all, good memories to cherish are all that live with us at the end of the life. Relations are not less than a treasure. They also need time and inputs to be given.

Thanks to a dedicated day that makes us realize the importance of balancing both of our lives!

Significance of National Workaholics Day

It Realigns the Focus

Food is the prime reason that we earn. But what if you don’t get enough time to eat because of too much work? What is the rationale behind a lifestyle (personal or professional) that doesn’t allow you to eat in peace?

National Workaholics Day reminds us of the fact that whatsoever we do, our ultimate goal is to attain a happy life. It draws our attention towards often ignored aspects that are actually more important.

Ignorance towards health, relations, and social life adversely affects the whole vibe of life.

Observing such a day works as a fixer.

Interesting Facts about National Workaholics Day

Monday or Sick Day?!

In the entire week, Monday is the day when working people get sick most commonly.

Go it can’t be said surely that it’s because of Monday blues or because of the mood of not doing work on Monday.

Most Opted Job

In North America, the most common shop is becoming a retail salesperson.

Out of Work Calls

Do you know what is the prime phrase while calling someone or what is the most popular talk of town topic for the working people? Here you are the favorite line which will give you an idea!

“I am sick of it!”

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