Ascension Day is celebrated after 39 days of Easter. As per the Christian faith, Jesus Christ was ascended into heaven this day after finishing his works on the earth.
There are many countries that observe the ascension day as a public holiday instead of just a Christian holiday. Such countries are Belgium, Austria, France, Germany, Denmark, and many more.

Bible Verse: After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. (Act 1:9)
Date of Ascension Day Observance
13th of May.
Ascension Day falls by the end of the Easter season.
The date of observing Ascension Day keeps changing as per the date of Easter. It also differs as per the different locations around the world.
Where Eastern Orthodox Churches prefer to use the Julian calendar, the Western Churches calculate the date as per the Gregorian calendar following the exact date of Ascension Day. It results in marking the day before the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
History of Ascension Day
Although it is one of the earliest festivals that the Christians observe, yet only Catholic Christians and Anglican Christians mark it now. Protestant churches no more follow the traditions of Ascension Day.
Ascension Day and Pentecost Separated
Initially, they were a part of Easter. Later, they were separated from the celebration of Easter.
All the Easter-related events are put to a halt with the celebration of Pentecost, ending the cycle of all the celebratory events in the Christian calendar.
Commemoration of the Tradition
The believers started to observe the Ascension Day in 68 A.D. with two other separated holidays known as – Easter Sunday and Pentecost.
Separation of Ascension Day
In 300 AD, the celebration of Ascension Day emerged as a separate tradition and shifted to 40 days after Easter.
Ascension Day Feast Documented
The earliest written documentation about the Ascension Day Feast and celebrations belong to 385 AD.
Ascension Day Touches the Art
During the 5th century, Ascension Day marked its presence in art.
It was the first time when any Christian art had showcased the holiday.
Depiction of Ascension in Different Versions of Art
During the 6th century, Syria showcased its newly developed distinguished version of ascension. Later, Byzantine art followed and adopted it.
Germany Marks the Father’s Day
During the 18th century, Germany observed the Father’sDay along with Ascension Day. This way, they celebrated the return of Jesus to the Holy Father.
Celebration with Colourful Parade
During the 19th century, Germany tried to follow Jesus the way his apostles followed him. Christians hosted a colorful parade to replicate the apostles.
Ascension Day Celebration Ideas
Know the Traditions
The real ascension of Jesus had happened centuries ago. Despite having the same core faith, Christians have different variants of beliefs.
Based on the church is Catholic or Protestant, the customs and the services do change.
Dedicate this day to research about the different traditions and bases of different beliefs. Try to know about not only the traditions but also the foundation behind them. Try to investigate as many references as you can. Study the scripture to get in-depth knowledge.
Visit the Church
Attending a mass service is always a different experience altogether. Visit the church, expecting the encounter with Jesus Christ, the messiah.
Know which tradition does it follow before going in. Research about it, its services, and core beliefs.
Witness the Church Processions
The traditional background suggests that the observations of Ascension Day and involve a three-day procession. The Ascension Day is celebrated with grand festivity or not, but most churches do carry out the procession.
Not only the holiday but the feast is also enjoyed with the procession of banners and torches. It is marked in this way to symbolize the journey of Christ to the Mount of olive. It also signifies his entrance into heaven.
Appreciate Hymns
Worship songs, hymns, and religious songs are part of the traditional observances.
You make a playlist or get a song to roll on repeat, make sure you enter into some good music to enjoy the day to the fullest.
Don’t forget to hum while listening!
If you do not like religious music, you can also find out a composition of your favorite artists. They might not have sung many numbers but you will surely find one or two that they would have sung over the years.
Clueless about what to listen to? Here are some of the suggestions:
- ‘Where the Street Have No Name’ by U2
- ‘Something in the Water’ by Underwood
- ‘Preach’ by John legend
Get Enlightened through Bible
There is nothing like going to the Word of God. It has got all the information that you want to read and understand.
If you are someone who gets confused by too many customs and traditions, the holy bible is the most authentic, safe, and delicious food to consume.
You can read those portions where it covers the information related to the ascension of the Lord Jesus.
Ascension Day Holiday
Public Holiday in Indonesia
Despite the fact that Christianity is not a major but minor religion, people in Indonesia observe a public holiday on this day.
Why is Ascension Day Celebrated?
It’s a Re-visitation to the Gospel and Faith
Observing such a day not only gives you an opportunity to recall the related part but also leads you to revisit the core.
When we read about the ascension of Jesus to heaven, the miraculous life that he lived throughout his time on the earth flashes into the mind in one instance.
All the wonder-events that happened during his life come along in a chain— his miraculous works, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
We cannot hold ourselves from thinking of all these aspects that are different yet connected.
Whatever is the event, it doesn’t fail to remind us how Jesus bears all the pain, persecutions, and shame at Calvary to execute the salvation plan of the Lord God, the Holy Father by shedding blood on the cross as a ransom for making us free from our sins.
It Gifts the Inner Peace
When the faith strengthens, peace itself comes. When you realize that the Highest (Most High) and His beloved is there to protect and love you, it removes all the insecurities and fears.
Everything about it comes as a gift of inner peace and joy, wrapping you with an unexplainable warmth.
It’s an Opportunity to Widen our Cultural Horizons
If you are through a rough time, it’s an opportunity to widen the range of your faith.
Even if you are not a religious person, it’s an opportunity to enhance your knowledge about cultural backgrounds, meanings, and observations.
There is no culture or tradition that doesn’t give you any message. We always learn something out of it. We just need to be open with our views and perspectives.
Sometimes a little ray of hope is all that we need to enlighten our life through and through.
Significance of the Ascension Day
The Ascension Day signifies the completion of the work of Jesus on the earth which was followed by the preparation of a place in the heaven for the followers of Jesus Christ.
Who Was the Man behind the Ascension Day?
The story of the Ascension Day revolves around Jesus, a man of God who is the center of the Christian religion.
Jesus is also known as the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, and Jesus of Galilee.
He is popular as the religious leader of Christianity and Jewish preacher of the first century.
People with Christian faith revere him as the son of God who took the sin of humanity through crucifixion. He is believed to be raised from the dead after 3 days of his death.
Why People Follow Ascension Day and Jesus?
It is the faith of Christian people that those who believe in Jesus, his crucifixion, and the resurrection for the sins of the humans, they get their salvation.
It is also believed that Jesus is preparing the places for his followers and believers in heaven.
People celebrate this belief by being hopeful about their life after death and so also rejoice in the observations of Ascension Day.
The Story of Ascension Day
After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples multiple times with signs during the 40 days of period. He fulfilled all the words of prophecies by the earlier prophets. On the last day, his disciples watched him taken up.
The clouds hid him and Jesus raised to heaven. Some witnessed two angels in white attires as well; they declared that Jesus will be sent back the way he is raised.
Place of Ascension of Jesus
The place from where Jesus was ascended is Mount of Olives as per Acts 1:9-12.
As per Luke 24:50-51, the actual location was close to the village of Bethany.
Interesting Facts and Figures about Ascension Day
The Trend of Early Morning Walk
Known as 'Gokotta', the activity belongs to Sweden.
People wake up early at 3 am or 4 am and go for a walk to hear the cuckoo of a bird during the sunrise. They believe that listening to birds at this time from east or west bestows good luck.
Beating with Willow
During the olden days, the British used to beat the young boys with willow branches for making them get rid of the evil.
No Work Day
Welsh people enjoy the holiday celebration in Wales. Paragraph
We believe that if a person works on Ascension Day, it brings misfortune to them. So far as keeping from going unlucky, they avoid doing any work on this day.
Celebration with Keeping the Wheat
Portugal households of the rural areas keep wheat in their dwelling place for the coming year.
They associate Ascension Day with prosperity and peace. They use wheat as it symbolizes prosperity.