Do you know why Winter Solstice is marked along with 'See the Bright Side Day'?
It is so perhaps because where many people fight with and complain about the winter blues, Winter Solstice brings all reasons to celebrate and feast.
After living the year's shortest day and longest night, despite the biting cold, snow, and icy breeze, winter solstice comes as a lukewarm ray of hope about the emergence of spring.
After living the day with the shortest period of daylight, you know that the longer days are there to knock on the doors. The earth's tilt also offers shorter nights after experiencing the longest night of the year.
It is one of the greatest changes for the beings living in the northern hemisphere.

Date and Time of Winter Solstice Observance
21st of December in 2020.
History of Winter Solstice
The Starting of the Bible
The God Created...
The first three words of the Bible 'In the beginning' are probably the most mysterious, ancient, and vintage ones as:
- You are clueless about what happened before that.
- It talks about the oldest time that you can ever imagine.
- You feel excited as it is about the creation of the world, our beautiful planet- Earth.
And above all, one of the biggest mysteries of the Bible is revealed here which talks about the dynamics of time and seasons.
This is the time-span when after the creation of the universe, the sun and moon, the day and night, and the Seasons were introduced as per the happening of the years.
1600 BC
As per the intelligent experts, 1600 BC is the latest possible date when the orbit of the Sun found its monuments to revolve around.
Closure of the Awe-Inspiring Stonehenge
Located in Wiltshire of Southern England, Stonehenge is a megalithic monument that is looked after by English heritage and visited by about 1 million tourists every year.
This Prehistoric structure has been an attraction for both archaeologists and religious people belonging to a particular group. Some believe that it existed before the time of Abraham and some believe that it indeed survived the biblical flood. Many consider it belonging to the era of 4500 years ago when people used tools which were made of stones and bones.
It is most commonly accepted and presented with the following theories about its purposes and origin:
- A Prehistoric Temple that aligns with the sun's movements.
- A Cult center for worshipping the ancestors and performing rituals for healing.
- An ancient astronomical computer of ancient time aims to predict Solar events and eclipses.
Summer and winter equinoxes are the most popular times when people come to witness this historic monument.
The Challenges
The Stonehenge landscape also witnessed significant damages in 1970 and 1980 during the free festival coinciding with the summer solstice.
In 1985, it came to an end after the battle of beanfield in which the Stonehenge was closed and the monument was shut by the riot police, preventing the Travellers from setting up the festival.
In 2000, Stonehenge was reopened.
It is estimated that after about 5 billion years, the dwarf stage of the Sun will be followed by its dying stage, impacting the life in the universe drastically.
Winter Solstice Celebration: How to Celebrate?
Visit an Archaeological Brilliance
People who visit Stonehenge in England, agree and suggest that it is surely a worth-visiting place that gives you a lifetime experience. Modern druids come together at the monument every year to mark the festival.
The visitors stand at a particular place inside the Stonehenge monument to witness the sun rising just above the heel stone. They face the east direction towards the heel stone through the entrance to see its most beautiful view.
It is both inspiring and exciting to visit such a sophisticated yet precise construction that took place about 3000 years ago when one cannot find a glimpse of any advanced technology.
Welcome the Sun
You can mark the solstice by drenching yourself in the lukewarm sunrays.
See the Broader Perspective
Have you ever thought that why we see a new day and night repetitively after every 24 hours? Why there are different seasons bounded in a year? Why does the time change, so do the eras?
Such changes inspire us to be aligned with the change in our lives too so that we can welcome the fresh new beginnings of an old event and experience.
So why not make a resolution to observe the Winter solstice?! Why not take it as an opportunity to see the bright side of experiencing changes in life?!
Make the Two Following Notes:
- In the first note, write down what you want to let go of from your past experiences.
- In your second note, write down your aspirations and visions about the coming new year.
You can also make an additional note about your mission or Action Plan for accomplishing your dreams or short-term plans for the coming year.
What About the Fire Camp?
Fire camps at night time are always exciting and interesting setups. It is a magnificent experience when:
- The warmth of the Fire beats the Ice cold winter Nights
- Even the dim light out by the Fire sparkles high, definition the Dark of the night.
Why is Winter Solstice Celebrated?
It Connects Us with the Reality
When we wonder about the sun and thinking about the planets and the universe, it gives us a broader perspective about ourselves and the universe.
When we try to find ourselves in this universe, we realize that how small we are in front of the galaxies, stars, sun, and moon. Our problems and the challenges also seem to be very small along with us.
It also suggests that we should focus on the greater things instead of the shallow ones.
The stillness of the Sun before exploring the changed directions secretly inspires us to be calm and patient before taking the new and greater which we need to go through every now and then in this unpredictable life.
It's Time to Renew
This day is celebrated as a holiday in many places of the world. The day is observed with great significance both spiritually and religiously.
We belong to whatever concept, history, or belief system, there comes a stage or a moment in our lives when we think about the mysteries of the universe and the role of spirituality in our lives. Both the journey and the sensitivity takes us to the process of renewal, rebirth, and optimistic approaches associated with the functions.
The Beginning of the Revival
All those locations where people find winter the biggest daily challenge the Winter solstice comes as the arrival of the Revival.
In America, 20% of the population faces Mini-mental and physical disorders and challenges. The atmosphere, reduced light, winter colors, and every other thing around leave with the down-feeling of tiredness, irritation, and mental sickness.
The warmth of your cozy bed seems to be the only place to survive, doesn't matter how your personal and professional life or relationships shape.
Winter solstice bangs as a blessing and relief to shift our minds on the fresh and new warmth. This gives you positivity about what nature is going to bless you with. The thought itself seems rejuvenating.