
When are World Alzheimer’s Month and Day Observed?
The observance of World Alzheimer’s Month begins from 1st September. The last day of this month-long event comes on 30th September.
The World Alzheimer’s Day is executed by Alzheimer’s Disease International, abbreviated as ADI. World Alzheimer’s Day and the monthly events have been celebrated on the 21st of September since 2012.
How is World Alzheimer’s Day Observed?
The whole month of September and the events and campaigns bring great opportunity for businesses, sufferers, press, professionals, media, and communities to come together and raise awareness about the realities, to organize the events, and sensitize the people and communities about the effects of the disease.
ADI provides campaign materials for the events to the participants. ADI and National Alzheimer’s Charity give wings to those participants who are keen to participate but unable to arrange and organize. It also lobbies the government for extending a hand of help and care.
Why is World Alzheimer’s Day Observed?
The events and observances aim to aware of the issue. It challenges and combats the stigma and misinformation associated with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
It targets the poor understanding and knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.
The events and campaigns also support those people who have been suffering from the disease.