Know how much energy and nutrition is required per day for your 4- to 8-year old growing children to match the ideal weight and height.
This Snehpost helps in preparing the base of a healthy body and future lifestyle that rely on the stronger roots that are nurtured in childhood.

Playfulness is an evident feature among growing children from 4 to 8 years of age but what goes in their minds is tough to understand. They live in their own world of imagination. Their encounter with this new world after taking birth goes at another level. They now begin to understand and interpret in their own style and ways.
Their growth gets the speed of a superfast bullet, so their demands of clothes, toys, and games. The parents become their heroic icons and many get to notice their efforts of becoming like them. What a beautiful process of progress! What a wonderful relationship that the parents and their children share with each-others!
Where it all seems too smooth and pleasing, the parents deal with their own challenges of parenting such as answering the twisted questions that take birth in the little brains of their kids and the concern of giving them proper care, time, etiquettes, manners, and nutrition.
Let's learn about the nutrients and other needs of a growing child who is 4- to 8-year old. Here you are the tables of ideal weight and height to watch their adequate growth. Know how much energy and nutrition they need per day to remain not behind among their companions of the same age group.
Life Event and Status
(For Boys)
Standard Height
Ideal Weight and BMR
Energy Need as per Physical Activity Level (Kcal)
Water Requirement per Day
(For Girls)
Standard Height
Ideal Weight and BMR
Energy Need as per Physical Activity Level (Kcal)
Water Requirement per Day
Nutritional Requirements (For Boys and Girls)
(Abbrv: RDI= Recommended Daily Intake; RDA= Recommended Dietary Allowances)
(Units per Day: g= gram; mg= milligram; μg or mcg= microgram)