Illustration: A man in an overcoat and hat with buildings in the background (On the journey to know the purpose of Life)!
Eye Opener: 5 Possible Reasons of Not Being Able to Know the Purpose of Life
There are
You Believe Walking in One Direction Like Sheep will be a Safe Move

Illustration of being unique: An illustration of Beda Move (sheep walk). Have you noticed the difference in the differently taken move? Isn't it standing out from the others?!
Unknowingly and unfortunately you have also become a part of the Beda Move (Bhed Chaal). Remember — you are an individual and have got a brain, a heart, a unique skill or talent. Some realize this fact and take a step too, but do not take their journey to the end, giving up in between.
You Are Not Daring Enough to Play Your Own Game
The biggest mistake that we commit in our life is — we don’t want to understand the difference between ‘being inspired’ and ‘being pursued’.
We want to play safe substantially and so follow someone else’s path who has tasted success in that field.
Your Emotions Are Not Allowing You to See the Reality
If you are emotionally weak, this can be your biggest weakness in life. This might be a strong reason behind not trying to know the purpose of your life. You fit in your brain from childhood that what your parents have achieved, if you get that, you are done.
Or maybe you started walking from where your parents stopped. You are following the unfulfilled dream of your parents or grandparents to please them and make them proud. It doesn’t matter what you are capable of and in what field your talent, capacity, and skills are.
Are You Choosing and Picking Carefully!
Our motto is not to oppose your beloved ones or to avoid their wills and wishes. If your skills support and you also like that stream, do go for that. But if your heart drives to somewhere else and your brain has the weight of their unfulfilled desires, you can never find peace in the war of heart and brain. Listen to your heart this time.
Come out of that shell where you are weighing the weight of someone’s dream because you can’t walk longer with a load of a broken heart. Who knows you can do wonders and make them more proud in the field of your interests.
Quote on Following Dreams:
“If you are following the dreams of someone else, you are faking and fooling others and yourself.”
You are Fighting an Uninvited War
Does the success of your cousin, friend, or competitor — who has been challenging you from childhood — make you feel jealous and envious? Is it motivating you to follow the same path so that you can also prove to yourself that you can do better than them?
If such a
You Need Some Boost and Motivation
Are you are not courageous and confident enough to walk on your own way to achieve your own dream and goals of life? Yes, you are!
New Beginning Guide: 7 Archaic Refuelers
- Start working on developing your self-confidence.
- Get some motivation from books, biographies, your own idols, parents, legends, successful personalities, or from your own past.
- Recall your achievement of personal or professional life. It can be small praise or compliment too. Find out that source of the spark which can provide you confidence and courage to lead towards the purpose of your life.
How to Boost Confidence: 20 Goofproof Steps
Trust me; nothing is going to work when it comes to feeling happy from the soul. Only fulfilling your own dreams can give you extreme happiness, nothing else. Do what is to be done and follow the path where your efficiency and qualities are worth it.
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