Dieting Results: 7 Unprompted Facts

Do you know dieting can also give unimaginably harmful effects on your health, other than giving a slimmer body and weight loss? Know 7 untold facts and learn when to avoid meal skipping!
Dieting results and unprompted facts showing illustration by Sneha: boy reading bad health report as result of dieting, girl showing weight loss by lose pant and an apple in hand, plate, cutlery, watch in blue background
Dieting Results (Bad vs Good): Boy reading bad health report and girl showing lose pant after weight loss!

7 Dieting Results: Do You Know Them?


Whether we belong to any generation, our colorful India gives us many festive occasions and beliefs to keep fast and delight our God. Probably, grandparents wish for their family to be happy and bonded; uncle-aunties ask for more bucks in their safe; grown-ups demand beautiful Kudi or handsome dude to be their mates, and kids want candies or good numbers in their mark sheets! We all have our own desires and dreams, and we bribe our almighty with fasts to get them fulfilled. How intelligent!

Some keep fast to do dieting also; for them, it is the golden mantra to get their body toned or maintain slim physic.

But at the time of fasting, do we think about its consequences on our health? Many kinds of research have been done to know whether dieting or fasting is good or bad for health. Let us dive into some findings and know the biological facts!

When Fasting is Beneficial? Is Dieting Good for Health?

Our regular eating process makes the body perform its digestive duties constantly. The consumption of nutrition from the food and other digestion processes also results in some putrid waste. This waste and damaged cells accumulate at the point of toxemia. When our body resistance breaks, it leads to diseases.

When we are on dieting or keep fast, the absence of food makes our body utilizing the stored food. In this process, the fat is burned and used to generate energy for body activities. During this, the digestive system is put on rest, and so the energy used by the digestive system is liberated. This energy is automatically used to cleanse the other body's processes. This eliminates impurities and clogged toxins. Thus, the system gets rejuvenated and repaired. The whole process helps to maintain the usual tone of the digestive system.

Good Results on Health: 7 Benefits of Dieting or Fasting

  1. Guards health
  2. Maintains the tone of digestion by putting it on rest
  3. Eliminates the toxins and cleanses the impurities
  4. Repairs and rejuvenates the system
  5. Helps in burning the stores fat
  6. Facilitates mental stability
  7. Promotes long life

Bad for Health: Beware! Say No to Dieting or Fasting If...

Balanced dieting or fasting is surely a golden mantra for a maintained tone of digestive apparatus, but beware of too much dieting! Where lack of energy sources can cause weakness, lack of nutrition can cause serious disorders or diseases too. It is good for health if you burn some extra calories from your fat store, but this works only in case of following a properly nutritious diet on other days.

Well, the best rule is to exercise or work out enough and eat whatever to want! And yes, after following a balanced nutritious diet and a tight workout schedule, even a doctor or any research will also allow you to eat that occasional plate of panipuri or chaat!

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